Monday, November 29, 2010


It flew a few tens of thousands of kilometres and withstood quite some physical punishment along the process – but alas, it arrived safely in my hands.

Another very important token received from abroad, glad it didn’t get lost in the mail exchange office. *cherishes*

Abyssus Abyssum Invocat

Est quod res preoccupo vos semper tamen perverse. Admonet quodammodo essem nisl.

Qui nimium probat, nihil probat. Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

Friday, November 26, 2010




I feel things are going on more smoothly, more in control now. Sometimes the only way to ride the waves is to get smashed by the waves over and over again.

Life is kinda like the dungeons you find in RPGs. The stages of life are represented by dungeons of different difficulty.

If you luck out, you get to find the right path on the first try and clear the dungeon in no time.

“You can’t go the distance, without some resistance.”

If you’re unlucky, you go around in circles and find yourself in the middle of nowhere. But with enough patience and some time, you’ll eventually find yourself out of the dungeon.

All in all, each time you clear a dungeon, you get stronger. You know what to anticipate in your next adventure, you know your way around problems just by looking at it.

There’s always some obstacles along the way – the tougher the obstacles, the stronger you will be after clearing them.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I overestimated my capabilities – finishing 3 tasks in 2 weeks is complete bullshit with my current abilities. In 2 days, the 2 week mark arrives, and I barely finished 2 tasks.

During the past 5 days I’ve been working and working on it full-time, yet for each time I try to implement new features, old problems resurface and I had to start from scratch – this is very frustrating.

The project is taking too much of my time – I’ve neglected sleep, studies, exercise, social activities, yet it bears no fruit.

Support questions emails keep coming in, complaint emails keep coming in, customization request emails keep coming in.

I can’t cope, I seriously can’t.

And I accidentally fell asleep yesterday and woke up in the morning, while thinking of a proper diagnostic test setup.



(and the only thing that probably cheer me up – my new EOS 60D, doesn’t cheer me up anymore)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Time seems to flow very slowly lately.

By looking at my veins I know my BP is not doing me any justice. It’s a sign for me to reshuffle my patterns, or parts of me would start failing.

Compensation is a sign of loosening up, I’ll not resort to that route, never. I have to find an alternative solution, fast.

Personality update.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Sometimes when you want things to go (as planned) as simple as:

A => B => C

Where C is a much better situation resulting from the transition of A to B.

But in the end, the situation goes like this:

A => B => D => E => F

It complicated for unknown reasons, deviated from the original course, caused a mass snowball effect and went for the absolute worse-case scenario – situation F.

Worst of all, there’s no procedure for:

F => A


F => … => A

Great, just great.