Tuesday, March 8, 2011


One fine day, Angry Bird found a pink package lying on the floor. He got curious and took a good look at it. Affixed with a golden stamp, the pink package seemed to had flown from a land far far away…

As impatient as any Angry Bird, he quickly and swiftly, yet elegantly opened the wrappers with his beak, careful not to shred the wrapping paper.

Within the mysterious box was treasure! Angry Bird soon got carried away popping the bubble wraps… (as these are the only things he is interested in)

Goodies! Chocolates, cup (with a message “everytime I think of you… something grows!”), “grumpy old man” coin box (I think this is for Angry Bird, should be “grumpy old bird” instead ;D), loads of gf-made cards, a shirt (:D).. and the list goes on…

Crocodile wire wrapper and a handwritten (and drawn) letter :3

Sugar-overdose handmade cards… *sniffles* felt like hugging the person who made this…

Happy happy happy :D

(Engineers and GM – you guys are not left out ;P)

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